Charity’s Solihull Home named a Teaching Care Home
The Royal Star & Garter Home in Solihull has become a Teaching Care Home after completing a one-year course.…
The Royal Star & Garter Home in Solihull has become a Teaching Care Home after completing a one-year course.…
Friends and family joined a Second World War veteran at The Royal Star & Garter Home in Surbiton to help celebrate her 101st birthday.…
Volunteers at The Royal Star & Garter Home in Surbiton have explained why they give up their free time for the Charity’s residents.…
A resident at The Royal Star & Garter Homes who was serving in the Army during the D-Day landings has recalled events leading up to and beyond the Allied campaign.…
Shoppers in High Wycombe are being urged to help The Royal Star & Garter Homes win a share of £1,000.…
A charity is appealing for more volunteers to help provide its award-winning care to military veterans at a care home in Solihull.…
The Royal Star & Garter Homes in Solihull is taking part in a new life-saving initiative.…
Frank Adams, Anthony ‘Bugs’ Bendell AFC OBE, Edward Brooks VC and Lettice Curtis have all been honoured at The Royal Star & Garter Home in High Wycombe. Their relatives - and VIPs including the Lor…