WW1 Battlefields Trek – Day 1
It's hard to believe we've finally arrived in Ypres after the months of planning, fundraising and training. When I say 'we' I mean thirteen Trekkers (including The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ Direc…
It's hard to believe we've finally arrived in Ypres after the months of planning, fundraising and training. When I say 'we' I mean thirteen Trekkers (including The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ Direc…
Hello, my name is Kirstie Miller, and I am the Major Partnership Relations Manager at The Royal Star & Garter Homes. This is my first blog for The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ WWI Battlefields T…
The word volunteer has its origins in the late 16th century and actually derives from someone who “offers himself for a military service” by M. Fr. Voluntaire. It wasn’t until 1630 that the word was u…
It is estimated that by 2020 around 40,000 veterans needing nursing care will be affected by dementia. Gill Dunn is Deputy Manager at our Solihull Home and a lead trainer on the Dementia Care Matters…
We work all night, we work all day raising the cash in many ways Ain’t it sad And still there never seems to be enough to keep the boss happy That’s too bad Gordon has a mighty plan If we got us …
Hi everyone, Autumn has been a busy season for both resident and staff birthdays alike. We on F floor have consumed quite a lot of birthday cake recently – not that anyone is complaining! In view of …
Hi, My name is Lauren Crump. For those of you that don’t know me, I am one of the Nurse Care Managers here at The Royal Star & Garter Home, Richmond. I thought I would start this entry by telling…