My Dementia Experience
Struggling to do the smallest tasks because your vision has failed. Finding it impossible to follow what’s happening around you because of the confusion going on in your head. This may sound like a ni…
Struggling to do the smallest tasks because your vision has failed. Finding it impossible to follow what’s happening around you because of the confusion going on in your head. This may sound like a ni…
Chelle Daly, Manager of the High Wycombe Home, blogs about her commitment to deliver care to the highest standard and the role of the local community in helping to achieve this.…
I’ve been working hard at Headley Court as an RAF nurse, and then fitting in some time on the reception desk at the Surbiton Home as well! It’s been so lovely to be wrapped up back in the always wonde…
With our new Home in High Wycombe progressing well and new services being rolled out, Andy Cole, our Chief Executive, talks about how The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ strategy will help the Charity reac…
Jenny Holden has been a volunteer at the Surbiton Home for three years. An exceptionally caring lady, Jenny is always thinking up little ways she can make a difference to the lives of residents. When …
Music is a powerful tool to boost everybody’s mood, and it can play a crucial role in today’s model of care – particularly for people living with dementia. As part of this year’s Dementia Action Week,…
Understanding and supporting each resident’s cultural background and religious beliefs are fundamental to the complete care we offer. The Homes hold monthly religious services and we help residents to…
I had my last shift at the hospital in Portsmouth before Christmas, then had a nice break with my family before starting my new job. It was strange leaving some of the people I had gone through all my…