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Dementia care High Wycombe Solihull Surbiton

World Alzheimer’s Day: How residents with dementia at The Royal Star & Garter Homes live life to the full

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Warmth, love, and laughter

The Royal Star & Garter Homes is regarded as one of the best providers of care for people living with dementia in the country.


From our Homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe, residents living with the condition receive exceptional and award-winning care.


Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia. So for World Alzheimer’s Day on Saturday, 21 September, we take a look at what makes The Royal Star & Garter Homes so special.

Caring and knowledgeable staff

Anyone who has been to the dementia care floors will have noticed the emphasis on sensory stimulation. We also recognise that people are on different journeys within their dementia experience, and this determines the type of care received and activities they participate in.


For those early in their journey, there’s dancing/singalongs, exercises and physical activities, and 1:1 and group physiotherapy sessions. For those further on their journey, where care is concentrated on preserving dignity, comfort and quality of life. The focus is on senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste, and staff are nurturing and gentle. We provide sensory interaction through cuddly toys, pet therapy, hand and massage, hugs, scent and sight stimulation and music therapy.


The Charity’s dedication to providing exceptional care was highlighted when the Solihull Home retained its Level 1 National Accreditation Dementia Care Matters, confirming its status as one of the leading providers of dementia care in the country.

Dementia Friends sessions were held in the Homes

Staff, residents, relatives and volunteers are one family – often fostering togetherness which sees team members visiting residents on their days off.


The carers also understand the importance of keeping relatives involved in the care of their loved ones. They are encouraged to become part of the ‘Star & Garter Family’. Developing a familial atmosphere aids the well-being of residents and supports communication and positive relationships with the relatives.


Emphasis is on person-centred care provided with love, and staff are enthusiastic and committed about helping people living with dementia and their families. One example of this took place on Friday, 20 September when Surbiton Home Dementia Nurse Consultant Sanna Laaksonen ran one of many Dementia Friends sessions.

Intelligently designed Homes

The corridors are wide to help manoeuvrability for wheelchair users, and dotted along them are points of interest such as shoes, hats and postcards. Coat stands and open wardrobes allow residents and staff to dress up whenever they like, creating a playful atmosphere and encouraging spontaneous interaction.


Corridors also have art, touch-boards and other items which can be picked up, touched and talked about, allowing for more sensory engagement. This includes ‘treasures’ such as jewellery, picture books, ornaments, games, fabrics and military memorabilia, relevant to the lives of residents.

Corridors are dotted with treasures

Special attention is paid to the details and everything from lighting, the shade of the carpets and the colour of the bowls and cutlery that are used are selected to be dementia-friendly.


Staff are aware of the pressures having a loved one living with dementia has on relatives, so encourage them to ask questions, learn from the award-winning care and build a support network with other relatives.


Thanks to the service provided by The Royal Star & Garter Homes, residents living with dementia continue to live life to the full.

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