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The RT Hon. Earl Howe visits local veterans’ charity


Residents, staff and volunteers at The Royal Star & Garter Homes were delighted to welcome The Rt Hon. Earl Howe, Deputy Leader of the House of Lords and Minister for State of Defence, when he recently visited the Surbiton Home.


The Charity’s Chief Executive, Andy Cole, and Home Manager, Barbara Carter, gave the Earl a tour of the Home and the opportunity to see for himself the wide range of therapies and activities available to the residents. The Earl visited all three floors including the specialist dementia care wing of the award-winning Home. During his visit of the physiotherapy room he chatted with RAF veteran John and Lead Physiotherapist Jo Whitehead about exercising and keeping fit.


 After his tour of the home and gardens, the Earl visited the café where he took the time to meet a few more residents and find out more about their military experiences. Earl Howe commented, “I was bowled over by my visit and congratulate you and your team on the wonderful care you are providing. I was impressed at the level of thought and detail that goes into not just the care, but also the way in which the environment and facilities are laid out. The Royal Star & Garter Homes truly is an example of how a care home should function.”