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Care Dementia care Solihull

Solihull Home retains Level 1 Accreditation for exceptional dementia care

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The Royal Star & Garter Homes is proud to announce that the Charity’s Solihull Home has retained its Level 1 Accreditation by Dementia Care Matters, following a recent, unannounced audit.


Level 1 is the highest accolade achievable through Dementia Care Matters’ National ‘Butterfly Household Model of Care Accreditation Award’. It indicates that a Home is demonstrating ‘exceptional person-centred dementia care of the highest quality of life level’. Dementia Care Matters undertake over 700 audits per year. Only 1% of care homes within the UK achieve a Level 1 distinction.


The Royal Star & Garter Homes are ‘Butterfly Service’ Homes and follow the Dementia Care Matters’ internationally recognised standard of care. The care team work as a close, coherent family which is feelings-based and emotional; they treat residents as they would wish to be treated themselves, with compassion and love.


Such has been the dedication of the dementia care teams that the Charity is now also able to provide the DCM dementia care training in-house, working in conjunction with the expertise and experience of its highly motivated staff.


Rachel Christophers is a well-loved friend of the Solihull Home, where her husband, Theo, an Army veteran, lived with dementia until his death earlier this year, “Theo received amazing care at the Home. I don’t know another place like this! The Care Team are exceptional: they bring life-giving and positive energy all the time, enabling residents to play their own part in this wonderful and vibrant community.”


The Charity’s Director of Care, Pauline Shaw, remarked on the impressive result, “This is absolutely fabulous news – I am delighted for the Solihull team who give it their all every day. As we know, ‘people make a home’, and all of the team have contributed to this inspiring success – to have maintained a Level 1 is simply outstanding.”

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