The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ Activities Manager shortlisted for prestigious National Care Awards
The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ Raquel Pena Aristizabal is a finalist in The National Care Awards.…
The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ Raquel Pena Aristizabal is a finalist in The National Care Awards.…
The sister of a war veteran badly injured in Iraq is raising money for The Royal Star & Garter Homes.…
A member of The Royal Star & Garter Homes’ fundraising team is running on an east coast beach in America to raise money for the veterans’ Charity.…
Veterans living at The Royal Star & Garter Home in Surbiton have been given plenty to cheer about as the Home celebrated its fifth anniversary on Friday 24th August.…
The Royal Star & Garter Homes has been praised by Health Education England (HEE) Chairman Sir Keith Pearson and Chief Nurse Prof Lisa Bayliss-Pratt.…
The Royal Star & Garter Homes is proud to announce that the Charity’s Solihull Home has retained its Level 1 Accreditation by Dementia Care Matters, following a recent, unannounced audit.…
The Royal Star & Garter Homes, a charity which cares for disabled military veterans, is asking the local community to help name the floors of its new care home in High Wycombe. …
On Saturday, 21st July, The Royal Star & Garter Homes in Surbiton held their annual Summer Fete. The Surbiton community enjoyed a lovely afternoon in the grounds of the Home for disabled veterans, min…