Veterans mark Remembrance with services and poppy-making
Services have been held at Royal Star & Garter to mark Remembrance Day on 11 November.…
Services have been held at Royal Star & Garter to mark Remembrance Day on 11 November.…
Three members of staff will run the Birmingham Half Marathon to raise money for the veterans’ charity they work for.…
A giant snail was one of the unusual guests to visit The Royal Star & Garter Home in Solihull this week.…
The Royal Star & Garter Homes is regarded as one of the best providers of care for people living with dementia in the country.…
The Royal Star & Garter Home has been caring for the nation’s military since 1916. The Charity was formed to care for severely injured young men returning from the Battlegrounds of the First World War…
Ex-Servicemen and women from The Royal Star & Garter Homes have been remembering the start of the Second World War.…
The Royal Star & Garter Home in Solihull has retained its status as one of the leading providers of dementia care in the country.…
Waitrose shoppers in Solihull can help The Royal Star & Garter Homes win a share of £1,000.…