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Memories Surbiton Home WWII

Memories of D-Day

Today, we mark the 70th anniversary of the invasion of Europe and remember the sacrifices of those who fought and died for our freedom. The D-Day Landings were the assault phase of Operation Overlord…

Memories Solihull Home

My Lovely Mum

Pamela May Woodward is a resident of The Royal Star & Garter Home in Solihull and her daughter has kindly written about her experiences of growing up with her Mum and the care she receives at Soli…

Memories Surbiton Home

The NAAFI Wagon

Our new mobile shop rolled in to our Surbiton Home last Tuesday and was warmly greeted by residents. Affectionately named the NAAFI Wagon, it is stocked with useful items such as stamps, shampoo, bisc…


Prior thoughts…

Hello, my name is Alexandra Doyle and I have undertaken work experience with and then worked as a member of the Banking Team at The Royal Star & Garter Home in Richmond since 2006 (when I was 16).…