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Our Blogs

HMS Richmond

HMS Richmond Blog by Lt RN Ben Manktelow

The last week has seen us continue with our trials with satisfactory results for our main air search radar. We had a variety of aircraft from Royal Navy Air Station Culdrose flying up to 20,000 ft ove…

HMS Richmond

Ballet moves and fog horns…

After the first week of rough weather the ship was ready to take on more trials. We managed to get our Marine Engineering trials complete after the second day back at sea, much to the relief of their …

Military nurse in training

A Busy Month for Alex

Hello, Did you see The Royal Star & Garter Home – Solihull on BBC One on Thursday 5th July? It was really interesting watch and although Tony Robinson (the celebrity who stayed there) had some is…

HMS Richmond

Week 1 at sea – Truly Testing Times

Our first week of trials has been productive if not without its set-backs. We eventually sailed with all our machinery working into what we knew would be rough weather. We just didn’t quite know how r…

HMS Richmond

HMS Richmond Blog by Lt RN Ben Manktelow

 “The seventh, and current, HMS Richmond (F239) is the 10th of 16 Type 23 Duke Class Frigates to join the Royal Navy. She was built at Swan Hunter Shipbuilders on the Tyne, laid down on 16 February 19…


Preventing Dehydration in our Residents

At The Royal Star & Garter Homes we are so pleased to see that HRH The Duke of Edinburgh was well enough to return home for his 91st birthday following 5 days in hospital and is well on the road t…

Military nurse in training

Alex’s University Update

Hello!  Well a lot has happened in the last few weeks and I don't know where the time has gone! My lectures at the Defence School of Health Care Studies are going well and have included Physiology,…

Directors Events Fundraising

The Bupa 10K Experience

The Big Day – the Bupa London 10K had arrived!  With mounting anticipation, The Royal Star & Garter runners arrived at the meeting point in Green Park, with Jane our Events Marketing Co-ordinator …