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Our Blogs

HMS Richmond

‘We have a green light’

The Captain’s words two days ago after 4 weeks of hard work from the Ship’s Company getting the Ship into the correct material state to under go training. The engineering problems that we suffered bef…

Military nurse in training

Latest Blog from LAC Doyle

Hello all, me again. It’s been a while since my last blog which is due to how busy I have been on my first clinical placement, in the day surgery unit in Birmingham. I am really enjoying the experien…

HMS Richmond

A picture of naval life

I have been in the Navy for nearly three years and as you can probably tell I am enjoying being on Richmond immensely. I joined after going to university in London. On completing my training at Dartmo…

Military nurse in training

Latest Blog from LAC Doyle

Hello All, By the time this is uploaded, I will have completed my first shift at my very first clinical placement. I have been allocated to a Day Surgery Unit, which is where people come to have the …