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Fundraising Military nurse in training

Laundering for charity

It was our charity project week last week – this involved a lot of preparation for our event which took place over the weekend. It was called the ‘McTeague Laundrette’ and was in aid of the charity event ‘Movember’ for which all the boys had grown moustaches.


We set up a big laundrette-type thing in one of the rooms in the boy block and advertised that we would do a ‘complete kit turn around’ – this included washing and ironing of our green uniform (CS 95), blue shirts and trousers, bulling shoes, polishing boots, and box folding pt kit. We were set up with industrial amounts of washing up liquid, but unfortunately we didn’t get much work. Many of the flights had not been reminded of our project and so had rushed off home at the end of the week as quickly as possible. But we did get some rather higher-ranked customers, including our flight commander, the Officer Commanding of Recruit Training Squadron and the Deputy Squadron Leader! In all we raised about £130 for ‘Movember’! It was a really fun event, and we all worked really well together.


Earlier that week we also gave the presentation about Windsor Castle to our flight staff, and they said although it dragged on a bit, it was very interesting. It’s easy to have too much information in there when there are about 30 people getting and presenting the information!


Personally, I had a rather difficult week. I’ve not been sleeping very well, which has made it hard to keep energetic – especially with rehab every morning! But rehab is going well, I’ve now progressed again in the walk run programme to walking for 3 minutes and running for 2 – over a period of 30 minutes. I have discovered that I greatly dislike running, but otherwise it’s going well and I have had no pain for quite a while.


I’m really looking forward to the Christmas break now, but I’d best get on with my Christmas shopping online as I don’t get much chance to do it otherwise.


Keep watching for updates!
