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Military nurse in training

Back in the gas chamber

Well it has been an absolutely manic few weeks since I last posted anything, so apologies for not keeping you all up to date. I have now completed the Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear (CBRN) exam, the First Aid exam, and have also completed my rifle training.


CBRN training had been shortened slightly since I last went through it and the respirator (gas mask) is a little different, which meant I wasn’t quite as experienced as I had hoped to be. But it was still pretty much the same and however you do it the ‘Respirator Testing Facility’ or the gas chamber will always be just as scary and unpleasant. But I got through it and passed the practical and the theory exam. Phew!


First Aid is of course a little bit more enjoyable and especially as I have a much greater personal interest in it. Recently it was the ‘anniversary’ day I was first re-flighted due to my pelvic injury, so it was a good to pass that milestone pain free.


Rifle training is something completely different for me and I have found it quite challenging. The drills are quite fun and I especially like dismantling and assembling the weapon – we did it in the dark on Thursday, which was amusing. Obviously there’s quite a lot more responsibility when handling a rifle, so our corporals have stepped up the discipline in order to instil in us the accountability we have for our actions with them. It’s all quite hard work, but I have enjoyed this new challenge.

