Being understood


At the heart of our care is ensuring everyone’s wellbeing, which means considering all aspects of someone’s life. Our Wellbeing Programme offers meaningful activities and exercise to support our residents in feeling engaged, valued and loved. Our activities offer a balance of emotional, mental and physical wellbeing with a focus on inclusion so that we can provide something for everyone and ensure that our residents feel fully engaged.


Importantly, we also identify and address illbeing which is often a sense of someone feeling undervalued, ignored or upset. This is harder to spot for anyone living with dementia, or where someone is unable to verbally communicate how they are feeling.


Our highly trained staff look for visual clues and watch a resident’s body language to help understand how someone is feeling and how best to support them. That can also be meeting physical challenges like limited communication which we can support with specialist technology or speech therapy.

Living with dementia


For people living with dementia, we have specialist carers who always make time to live in the reality of our residents. We are there to listen or to comfort them and our person-centred approach means helping someone who might be struggling to communicate or hear, and ensuring that everyone we support is welcomed and feels included.


Often it is those little things that matter – holding hands with a resident, letting them know we are there and using different ways of reminiscing to change the moment and to be in their world.


We are nationally recognised for our dementia care and in 2020 won the Alzheimer Society’s prestigious Dementia Hero Award for Professional Excellence.

Military background


Being amongst people who understand your life experience can be very reassuring and can help our residents feel more comfortable.


“Living alone proved quite challenging,” says Sally, the daughter of one of our residents, “and we felt Dad needed the company of others.” She said “The military connection was such a big draw for us – to know that Dad could live here among people from familiar backgrounds, with things in common. All the things that are important to Dad are continued here. It really matters to us as a family that Dad maintains those links.”


Sally continued: “I can see how happy he is. The staff always have time to spend with him – not just providing care but really engaging with him. They’re very aware of each resident’s needs.”

This quality of care is only made possible with the generous help of our donors. Will you help today and consider a donation to enable vital connections which have the power to change lives?