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London Fashion Week: Former Chanel model takes to the catwalk at care home fashion show

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Chanel model Carolyn rolls back the years at the Royal Star & Garter fashion show

Residents at Royal Star & Garter in High Wycombe have been working the catwalk and reliving their past experiences in the glamorous world of fashion and modelling.


They took part in a vibrant fashion show at Royal Star & Garter on Friday 13 September, arranged to coincide with London Fashion Week, which runs from 12-17 September.


Stars of the show included a former model who worked with some of the world’s biggest fashion houses, a Navy veteran who became Head of Reception at a prestigious fashion house office in London’s Regent Street, and a resident who served in the Air Force during WWII, and then discovered a flare for fashion photography.

Carolyn during her modelling days

Royal Star & Garter provides loving compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia. The charity also has Homes in Solihull and Surbiton, and has launched new services reaching out into the community.


Among those taking part in the fashion show was Carolyn, who was crowned Fashion Queen of Great Britain in 1958. She modelled for French fashion houses, including Chanel and Balmain, and later appeared on TV shows including Coronation Street and Rising Damp. She would also regularly attend London Fashion Week with her husband Frank.


Staff at the Home have set up Carolyn’s Boutique, which displays clothes, shoes and accessories from Carolyn’s wardrobe, outside her room in the dementia care area.

Fashion photographer and WWII veteran Kay basks in the limelight, with Royal Star & Garter staff member Tracy

Ross served in the Women’s Royal Naval Service. Her daughters say she has always taken great pride in her appearance, and was told by an aunt that she looked very glamorous in her Wrens uniform. In the 1980s, Ross was in charge of the reception at Coats Viyella fashion house in Regent Street, London. During this time, she met many visiting high-profile celebrities and politicians of the day. Ross is now living with dementia. Staff at the Home say she still takes great care to look elegantly dressed and made-up each morning.


Kay, who recently celebrated her 105th birthday, served with the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF), and was a plotter during WWII at RAF Uxbridge. After demobbing at the conclusion of the war, she began a photography course at the London Polytechnic, and discovered a talent for fashion photography. She had just landed a job at the photographic studio at Harrods when she met Bill. The couple fell in love, married and within a year started a family. Kay is also now living with dementia.

Carolyn and Royal Star & Garter Home Manager Reggie Ballos work the fashion catwalk

‘Beauty and glamour is for everyone’


Reggie Ballos is the Home Manager at Royal Star & Garter in High Wycombe. She said: “We wanted to show that beauty and glamour is for everyone – no matter your age or if you’re living with a disease like dementia – and we had great fun hosting the event. Residents and staff really enjoyed themselves and we look forward to doing it again. Activities such as these play an important part in our care, as it helps residents – especially those living with dementia – to stay connected to their past. It helps maintain a sense of self, and supports their emotional wellbeing and overall quality of life.”


Royal Star & Garter in High Wycombe is welcoming new residents. For more information on this, the new services it provides, or to work at the Home, go to

Ross, who worked at a fashion house in London, gets made-up at Royal Star & Garter
Day Care user Geoff looking a million dollars with Day Care Coordinator Angela
Margaret, who comes to Royal Star & Garter for Day Care, shows off her flower power
Joan laps up the adulation on the Royal Star & Garter catwalk
Dapper David, who uses Day Care at Royal Star & Garter, with Day Care Coordinator Suzie
Carolyn, with some of her wardrobe, at Carolyn’s Boutique
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