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The Royal Star & Garter Homes Appoints New Chief Executive


The Royal Star & Garter Homes has appointed a new Chief Executive, Andy Cole OBE, who takes up his new position in January 2016. Andy is currently Director of Corporate Affairs at Leonard Cheshire Disability, having previously led a successful national charity, Bliss, for eight years. Andy is looking forward to his new role enormously and commented:


“It is a privilege to be joining such an outstanding team, and I am hugely excited by the many opportunities there are ahead as the Charity approaches its centenary. I look forward to meeting all the residents, staff and volunteers as soon as possible in the New Year.”


Andy takes over from Mike Barter, who announced his intention to retire from the Charity last March. Mike has led the Charity through a demanding phase of transition and development and asks residents, staff and supporters to join him in wishing Andy the very best of luck in his new role. Mike remarked:


“By the end of the year I will have been with the Charity for almost seven years and I can honestly say those years have been the busiest, most enjoyable and rewarding I have ever experienced. It has been an honour to be a part of a family of like-minded people who are all determined in their quest to deliver exceptional care to the finest residents you could ever wish to meet”.