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Care Surbiton

Senior healthcare experts praise The Royal Star & Garter Homes after Surbiton visit

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  • Health Education England Chairman Sir Keith Pearson and Chief Nurse Prof Lisa Bayliss-Pratt visited the Charity’s Surbiton Home
  • They praised the “person-centred care” provided to veterans
  • Sir Keith said he was ‘humbled’, while Prof Bayliss-Pratt was ‘blown-away’ by quality of care


The Royal Star & Garter Homes has been praised by Health Education England (HEE) Chairman Sir Keith Pearson and Chief Nurse Prof Lisa Bayliss-Pratt.


They were “humbled” and “blown away” by the compassion and quality of person-centred care they witnessed when shown around the home on Tuesday 14 August 2018.


Sir Keith and Prof Bayliss-Pratt visited the Charity, which cares for veterans and their partners who live with disabilities and dementia, to see quality care in action and discuss the new nursing associate role.


They were shown around the award-winning Home by Pauline Shaw, Director of Care; Chrissie Heyes, Home Manager; Sue Tompkins, Care Services Manager; and Reggie Ballos, Interim Dementia Nurse Manager.

Sir Keith said: “We’ve learnt a great deal about how to provide care, particularly care for people living with dementia.

“I think the thing that has really resonated with me is the care, the compassion, the dignity, the respect we have seen here.

“It has been humbling to see what is done here and I am delighted that I have had the opportunity to be here.”


Prof Bayliss-Pratt agreed. She said: “I’ve been overwhelmed and blown away by the kindness, the thoughtfulness, and the fact that people are really thinking about ‘how do I care really kindly and compassionately?’ for these residents.”


Praising the efforts of the wonderful staff, she added: “There’s certainly no room here for complacency, there’s no room here for anything other than excellence and I would like to applaud all the staff that work here and tell them they must continue what they’re doing.”


Following the visit, Pauline Shaw, Director of Care, said: “Nursing is at its foundation, a profound act of loving compassion. Today we had the privilege to discuss what courage in health and social care looks, feels, sounds and smells like with inspirational leaders.”


The Royal Star & Garter Homes provides learning opportunities for trainee nursing associates from St George’s University Hospital and Kingston Hospital

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