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Veterans’ charity launches new brand to reflect expanding services

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A charity which cares for military veterans has revealed its new name and logo as part of its brand launch.


Royal Star & Garter provides award-winning care for ex-Servicemen and women and their partners living with disability or dementia. It already has three care homes and plans to reach out to more veterans through a range of new services.


The charity pledges to at least double the number of veterans it supports and continue rising to the challenge of caring for veterans living with dementia, which will hit 40,000 in the UK in 2020.[1]


As a result, Royal Star & Garter is introducing a string of new services. The Star & Garter Day Care service has been running in Solihull since November 2017, allowing the charity to extend its nationally recognised care, activities and therapies to veterans who do not currently need residential care but are looking to enjoy activities and socialise. Such has been its success that the service will be rolled out to its Homes in Surbiton and High Wycombe.


The charity is developing a Home Care service, and plans to open a bespoke residential service for younger disabled veterans, which will also support them to build employment skills.


Royal Star & Garter has adapted its name to reflect that it now offers a range of services to the military family, in addition to residential care homes.


It spent time really examining who it is and what it wants to offer both now and in the future. This helped the charity to identify a new set of values which sit at the heart of the care it provides – With love, Living positively, As a family, Standing in their shoes and Take courage.


A stripped-back logo remains rooted in its 100-year-old history but is much simpler and all-gold in colour which will ensure it is easily identifiable. The accompanying strapline ‘Care with courage’ represents its commitment to always doing the right thing and to making the right decisions however difficult, to ensure the very best levels of care.


The charity worked with Open Agency, an independent creative agency, and brand strategist Mark Radda, carrying out market research and seeking feedback from residents, relatives, staff, donors and its governing body.


Caley Eldred, Director of Supporter Engagement at Royal Star & Garter, said: “Following a long and detailed consultation, we are proud to reveal our new brand. It reflects how we are evolving and expanding to care for more veterans and their partners than ever before. The values encompass the work we have done so well for so long, and what we will continue to do – working and living as one team, one family, one community.”


[1] The Armed Forces Covenant Annual Report 2018

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