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RAF Halton visits disabled veterans living at The Royal Star & Garter Homes


Residents at The Royal Star & Garter Homes recently welcomed RAF servicemen and women when they recently visited the Surbiton Home.


Residents were delighted to welcome the Training Staff, Aircraftmen and Women currently stationed at RAF Halton to share an afternoon participating in various activities. After a tour of the Home, they joined in with Tai Chi, followed by a piano led sing-along. Everyone then enjoyed a three-course lunch which gave residents and RAF personnel the opportunity to chat and share anecdotes and military experiences.


After spending her day with the veterans, Aircraftwoman L. Kidd remarked, “I really felt the military connection on the floor for people living with dementia. It was really interesting seeing all of their military memorabilia. One resident I spoke to had done National Service and it was fascinating to hear his story.”


The Charity’s Director of Care & Service Development, Pauline Shaw, commented, “Visits from serving members of the Armed Forces help to maintain the residents’ links to their military past and create a lovely opportunity for the residents to reminisce and to find out about life in the Armed Forces today, which means so much to them.”