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Events Solihull Surbiton

Local Disabled Veterans Fall Silent for Remembrance Day

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Disabled veterans at The Royal Star & Garter Homes paid their respects to the fallen at several Remembrance events held over the weekend. Remembrance Day is an especially poignant time of the year for residents. As veterans themselves, or partners to those who served, an opportunity to honour the bravery of all service personnel and reflect on the lives sacrificed in conflict is hugely important.


On Armistice Day, Saturday 11th November, four residents accompanied by staff and volunteers attended a special Western Front Association service at The Cenotaph, Whitehall, and in the Guards’ Chapel, Wellington Barracks. Surbiton resident Bill laid The Royal Star & Garter Homes wreath in front of hundreds of fellow veterans and supporters.


A Remembrance service was held at St Matthew’s Church, Surbiton for residents who didn’t attend the Cenotaph Service. Residents were invited to sing hymns and join together in prayer. After the service, the Royal British Legion Midshires Band performed a moving set.


At the Solihull Home, a Remembrance Service was held, with over 100 residents gathering alongside staff and volunteers to sing hymns and join together in prayer. Also in attendance was the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress of Solihull, Mike Robinson, and his wife Mrs Jenny Robinson.


As part of the Service, resident Joan recited a moving and befitting passage from the Bible. After the two-minute silence, residents were invited to lay wreaths in tribute to all those who have made sacrifices in conflict. The Royal Artillery Association provided a Standard Bearer while local musician Mr Peter Tonks played the Last Post and The Reveille on bugle. After the moving service, everyone was invited to attend a quiet time for reflection at the Homes’ café.


Gordon Craig, Director of Fundraising, attended the Solihull Home memorial service. Gordon commented, “It was a privilege and an honour to carry out the act of remembrance at the Solihull Home Remembrance Service amongst our residents, some of whom are veterans of the Second World War, to remember the bravery and commitment of our nation’s servicemen and women, both past and present.”


On Remembrance Sunday, four Surbiton residents accompanied by staff and volunteers attended the Remembrance Sunday Cenotaph Service and Parade in Whitehall. All took part in the march past in the presence of the Charity’s Patron, Her Majesty the Queen and the Charity’s President, Her Royal Highness Princess Alexandra.


Other residents attended the Surbiton service held at the Surbiton memorial. After the two-minute silence, resident Stephen, a 30 year-old Army veteran who was seriously injured while serving in Iraq, laid the wreath whilst the local community watched on. Solihull residents attended a Remembrance Service held at St Alphege’s Church, Solihull.


Pauline Shaw, Director of Care, attended the Surbiton Memorial service. Pauline commented, “It was an honour to attend this year’s Remembrance Day Service alongside our residents. The Service was a moving reminder of how much our Servicemen and women, both past and present, sacrificed to keep our nation safe. Seeing so many people from the local community come together for such an important cause was very moving, and was testament to how much we truly value our military.”




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