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High Wycombe

Residents look to lift spirits by sharing the best advice in Kindness Bingo

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Residents and staff shared the best advice they've ever received

Veterans at Royal Star & Garter in High Wycombe have been helping spread a little lockdown love by sharing their wisdom in a game of Kindness Bingo.


The game saw residents and staff share the best advice they have ever been given in their long and eventful lives, resulting in lovely tips.


They revealed their pearls of wisdom as part of the Kindness Bingo game, when they were asked: “What is the best advice you’ve ever been given?”

The results are a treasure trove of tips and sage advice which the residents were keen to share with people, coming off the back of Mental Health Awareness Week and while the country remains under lockdown.


Royal Star & Garter is a charity which provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia.


Advice from former Grenadier Guard John, 93, is to “Enjoy yourself”, while D-Day veteran Bunny’s pearl is to “Do as you’re told!”

Ena’s husband was killed in action in 1944. The 101-year-old advises: “No matter how much you worry, it never makes a difference.” Army veteran H, 91, says “Keep on smiling” while 93-year-old former-Spitfire pilot Neville’s top tip is “Look after yourself.”


Other challenges on the Kindness Bingo card included “Compliment three people you see today”, “Do something to make someone laugh”, and “Tell someone your favourite thing about them”.

Home Manager Chelle Daly said: “We had such fun playing Kindness Bingo, and it was a great way to support Mental Health Awareness Week. Along the way we gathered some lovely tips and advice from our residents who really wanted to help spread a little joy during these challenging times.”

One resident said: “We had so much fun playing Kindness Bingo and sharing our life tips. We’ve all been around the block a few times and lived through many difficult and challenging times. If our advice helps just one person, it’s worth it.”

Bingo Kindness was played with staff and residents observing COVID-19 social distancing guidelines.

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