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High Wycombe Solihull Surbiton

Giving Tuesday: Charity seeks new volunteers to help veterans

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Volunteer Jules helps resident Ena with a painting

Royal Star & Garter is welcoming volunteers back into its care homes, after pandemic restrictions are lifted.


The charity, which has Homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe, is using Giving Tuesday, on 30 November, to appeal for people who would like to offer companionship and one-to-one support, as well as helping with wellbeing activities and outings.


Royal Star & Garter provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia.


Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving when everyone, everywhere is encouraged to do something to support the good causes that mean so much to them.


Volunteers have played a valuable role in the care provided by Royal Star & Garter, from supporting residents on a one-to-one basis or in small groups, to helping them with activities or attending outings.


While volunteers did continue to help during the pandemic with activities such as interactive Zoom choirs, the Covid-19 outbreak meant they could not come into the Homes and help as they had before.

Volunteer Frank shares a laugh with veteran John

But all that is changing, with Royal Star & Garter asking people to register their interest in volunteering, with a view to starting in the New Year.


The charity is looking for:

  • Friendly Companions: to spend time with residents on a one-to-one basis, chatting, doing puzzles and reading a newspaper, helping residents stay connected to the outside world
  • Wellbeing Assistants: helping to support the in-house Wellbeing team with activities such as music, arts & crafts, quizzes and debating, and inspiring residents to join the fun
  • Outings Assistants: helping on lively and engaging day trips, outings and other activities outside the Homes


Volunteers will receive training and support, make friends, share in a wide range of exciting activities and outings, and learn new skills. They will be able to see first-hand the huge impact volunteering has on the lives of residents.


Pauline Shaw, Director of Care at Royal Star & Garter, said: “We are delighted to be welcoming back volunteers into our Homes, as they make a huge impact on the lives of our residents, and form genuine, loving friendships. The rewards for volunteering are enormous, and volunteers have said how much they get out of it.”


All prospective volunteers will need to apply for a role online and must be double-vaccinated, participate in regular testing, and wear PPE as directed by staff.


To register your interest, and find out what volunteers are needed in our three Homes, please go to

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