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Veterans join in the fun on Red Nose Day

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Volunteer Rosemarie Swinfield paints a red nose on a Surbiton resident

Residents at The Royal Star & Garter Home in Surbiton had their noses painted red for Comic Relief.


Staff and relatives also took part in the fun on Friday, 15 March, to help raise money for Red Nose Day.


They were all transformed by make-up artist Rosemarie Swinfield, who volunteers at the home which cares for ex-Servicemen and women living with disability or dementia.

Stella and Joan show off their new look

Staff also came in in their pyjamas and residents were treated to jokes and riddles as part of the Red Nose Day fun.


Rosemarie said: “It was good fun to spread a little Comic Relief joy around the home. Residents and staff got into the spirit of the day and we all enjoyed ourselves.”

Staff from the Charity, and resident Bernard, in their pyjamas
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