Mrs Barbara Winifred Taylor
January - 13 April 2015
Barbara Taylor was a loyal friend and supporter of The Royal Star & Garter Homes for many years. Her generosity and interest in the Charity’s work have been greatly appreciated.
Like many of the Charity’s supporters, Barbara’s experiences in the Second World War left her with a passionate commitment to caring for ex-Servicemen and women. On Armed Forces Day, Barbara kindly shared her memories of caring for veterans while working as a nurse:
“I have had many thoughts of the veterans this week as on the 6th June 1940 I was nursing in a 2,000 bed hospital in Chertsey, two days after Dunkirk, when many converted buses came up from the coast containing those very marvellous men. As soon as the doors were opened came the requests for ‘a mug of tea and a cigarette!’. We felt immensely privileged to look after them for many months – we were just like a big family (a happy one!).”
Barbara supported many charities in her lifetime, and was a loving wife and mother. She will be much missed by friends and family, in particular her loving sons Jim and Bob.