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Mr Roy de Blois Luckett

12 December 2013

I first knew Roy in the early 60’s when he and I joined the same TA unit at Regent’s Park Barracks. To have Roy as a friend certainly assured plenty of laughs and good fellowship. These were the strange days of the cold war when we were expected to play a part in holding back the might of the Warsaw Pact with pathetically sparse equipment; so we just had another drink and carried on regardless.

No one could ask for a stauncher friend.

In his latter years Roy displayed amazing courage in the face of a cruel fate which robbed him of mobility and health at a time in life when many of us are able to enjoy a happy retirement or in Roy’s case sailing with Ann in his catamaran “Touchdown”.

So “Good bye old gunner and happy sailing.”


~ a memorial from one of Roy’s oldest friends.