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Military nurse in training

University at last!

Hello everyone! I hope you are all well. I’m feeling very happy at the moment. I've finally made it to the Defence School of Health Care Studies at Birmingham City University and am really enjoying m…

Military nurse in training

Back in the gas chamber

Well it has been an absolutely manic few weeks since I last posted anything, so apologies for not keeping you all up to date. I have now completed the Chemical, Biological, Radioactive and Nuclear (CB…

Military nurse in training

Bulletin from Alex’ Mum!

Hi Everyone I’m writing Alex’s blog for her at her request because it’s an incredibly tough phase for Air Craftswoman Alex just now. She has completed Phase 1 of the basic training and for those of y…

Military nurse in training

Three cheers for 3 Flight

Hello Everyone! I'm back on Beckett 3 Flight and it’s already been an adventure…we've been on the low ropes, played stuck in the mud, had injections, spent a day at the dentist, done lots of team bui…