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Covid High Wycombe Home

Covid: Life on the frontline – Ena’s story

Ena lives at Royal Star & Garter’s High Wycombe Home. Ena’s husband was in the Army, serving at Dunkirk and taking part in the D-Day landings, but was killed in action in Belgium in 1944. She celebrated her 102nd birthday in September. Ena explains how she has kept her spirits up during lockdown, and why death doesn’t faze her.

“I moved in to Royal Star & Garter on December 19 last year (2019). When I first came in, they had quite a lot of people, because it was near Christmas. It was very busy. They would have visitors from the RAF, entertainers, and other people here. But we haven’t been able to have those. It’s been very quiet in the Home because of Covid.


To be honest, I’ve not suffered too much during lockdown. My family are in Australia, and my husband’s people are in Canada. So I haven’t been affected like some residents, who are missing visits from their families, or if they are able to see them, they have to entertain them outside, to minimise the risk inside the Home.

I love it here, I think it’s lovely. The staff will do anything that you want them to do. The Home couldn’t have done more if they tried during the pandemic. They’ve made sure that all guidelines are followed. I listen to the news and I think we need this structure, I think it’s good for us. I did a lot when I was younger in organising things and I appreciate what they do for us. And we’ve had very nice letters from the management saying what they are doing, and I think they really have done their best.


I’ve never been concerned that the virus could be the end of me. I’ve never worried because I think I’ve had a jolly good life and I’ve got everything to be thankful for. And if it ends, my family are all so far away, so it doesn’t bother me. Maybe it’s my upbringing because my mother used to say ‘Whatever’s planned out for you usually happens’. So I don’t worry.”