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A Poem for my Mother

Marjorie (Johnnie) Steiner lives in our Surbiton Home and her daughter, Vicky, wrote this beautiful poem for her for Mother’s Day.



What does Mother’s Day mean to me?
A date in the diary,
Appointment for tea?
Some carefully picked gift,
An appropriate card?
Perhaps same as last year’s;
The choice wasn’t hard.


For such obvious display
My Mum doesn’t care.
A calendar loyalty
Then nothing all year.
She just used to say
“I love seeing you
More than flowers or gifts;
A visit will do.”


I look at my Mum
A century of love
And see how honoured
I am and how tough
It’ll be when she goes;
But her Mother’s Day gift to me now a Mum
Is to show me just how Mother’s love can be done.


Vicky Peirson, daughter of Marjorie (Johnnie) Steiner.