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What happens next?

  • Complete your details and contact preferences here. We’ll submit your details to the National Free Wills Network who will be in touch within a week or so with further details.
  • You’ll then receive a free Wills pack through the post. The pack will have details of local participating solicitors who can help you write or update your Will.
  • Review the list of solicitors and choose one which suits your requirements. You may require wheelchair access, parking nearby, hearing loops, or the need to conduct part/all of the appointment by phone. All of this information will be listed in the pack.
  • You can then contact your solicitor of choice to make an appointment.
  • When you meet with your solicitor, don’t forget to complete the yellow declaration form to specify how you’d like to support Royal Star & Garter in your Will, if you’ve chosen to do so.

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Get in touch

Our Legacy team would be happy to answer any questions about making a gift in your Will or using our free Will service.

Find out more

Gifts in Wills account for around a quarter of our income. Download our Gifts in Wills booklet to find out more.


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