Please Donate

Who are we?

Royal Star & Garter is a charity that provides loving, compassionate care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia, from our three Homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe. For over 100 years, our supporters’ generous bequests have helped us adapt to meet the changing needs of veterans. We have worked tirelessly to ensure we provide the very best for those who have had the courage to serve our country.

National Free Wills Network

• Click below to request a Free Wills pack from the National Free Wills Network
• They will send you a list of local participating solicitors by post
• You then have 90 days to make an appointment with your chosen solicitor at a time that suits you, to write your Will
• You can write or update a simple single Will (or mirror Wills with your partner) with participating solicitors local to you

There is no obligation to leave a gift to Royal Star & Garter in your Will. However, once you have provided for loved ones, we hope you will consider remembering our charity in this way.

Make a pledge

Please let us know if you intend to include Royal Star & Garter in your Will, or have already done so.

Get in touch

Our Legacy Team would be pleased to answer any questions about making a gift in your Will or using our Free Wills offer.


020 8481 7676

More information

Our handy Gift in Will booklet has everything you need to know about leaving a gift in your Will.

Download a Gift in Will booklet