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Military nurse in training

A Busy Month for Alex


Did you see The Royal Star & Garter Home – Solihull on BBC One on Thursday 5th July? It was really interesting watch and although Tony Robinson (the celebrity who stayed there) had some issues from his own experiences as his mother had dementia and lived in a care home, The Royal Star & Garter Home looked great and everyone complimented its dedication to all the residents. It was personally rewarding and I felt proud to be involved with the Charity and the amazing residents.


Briefly, a quick update on how I am progressing with my Nursing degree with the RAF at the Defence School of Health Care Studies at Birmingham City University: I had a maths exam last Friday, which I think (hope) went well. I have finished my first written assignment about communicating with older people and with people with learning disabilities and the importance of maintaining and promoting their dignity, and am just awaiting some feedback from the plan I emailed to my lecturer. The final academic hurdle for this semester is the OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). This involves performing key clinical observations on a person acting the role of a patient in a clinical setting. It will be my first time wearing my clinical uniform and I’m quite nervous about it!


I’ll be taking temperature, pulse, respirations and manual blood pressure measurements – which I’m sure in a few years will be easier than making my famous cupcakes, but at the moment I’ve not done it on anyone other than colleagues in my class.


I will also be asked 12 physiology questions about anything we’ve studied so far. This should be okay, as I remembered most of what were taught from A level biology.


On other news, I came to the Richmond Home on Monday 25th of June for their celebration of Armed Forces Day. Some of the new residents received their Veterans awards, which was really lovely. I attended in my Number 1 uniform to support the day, but also to receive my 5 year volunteering award! I was really honoured to have achieved this, and it was exciting to receive it from Mike Barter – ex-Air Commodore! After that we went to the Bromhead Memorial to pay our respects to all those who served during the World Wars. It was a really moving occasion as always, and due to it being held in June (and the weather being a bit nicer) – more residents and staff were able to attend.


Last week also held some excitement for me. I went into London on Tuesday morning with mum to receive my Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award. It was the Duke of Wessex who attended the ceremony, but it was really amazing to be in St James’s Palace and with royalty! It was a really lovely ceremony – topped off by mum taking me for afternoon tea in Fortnum and Mason afterwards! I was so full – I almost had to be rolled home!


Anyway, I hope everyone is well and please do watch the BBC show (as well as the episode before that, which is also related to the lives and care of older people).


Next update will be soon…

LAC Doyle (note the promotion to ‘Leading Air-Craftsman!)